Emblem-India   Public Health Engineering Department  
Manipur Water Supply Project

About Us

The Public Health Engineering Department is dealing with Planning, Investigation, Execution and Operation and Maintenance of both Urban and Rural Water Supply Schemes in the State. In addition, the Department is also looking after Imphal Sewerage project and Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) in the State.


The Chief Engineer is the overall in charge as Head of Department who is directly assisted by:

1 Engineer Officer, looking after the Technical section.
1 Administrative Officer, looking directly after the administrative section
1 Deputy Financial Advisor, looking after the Account section of the Department.

The Additional Chief Engineer works under the Chief Engineer. There are 4(four) Superintending Engineers, who overall supervise the works of 19 divisional level Executive Engineers in various districts. 1 Director(CCDU) looking after the Swachh Bharat Mission(SBM). Each Executive Engineers is assisted by no. of Assistant Engineers, Section officers, field staff and establishment section etc.

Salient Features

  1. 2454 m of Earth cum Rock fill dam/concrete dam in three gaps.
  2. 1,118.40 m long spillway for discharging probable maximum flood of 1,41,435 cumec (about 50 lakh cusec).
  3. 181.999 km long Left Main Canal to irrigate Culturable Command Area (CCA) of 4 lakh acres (1,61,855 ha).
  4. 178.81 km long Right Main Canal to irrigate a CCA 3.2 lakh acres (1,29,500 ha).
  5. The intensity of irrigation is increased as 150%. Thus annual irrigation potential is 10.80 lakh acres (4,36,716 ha).
  6. Live capacity of the reservoir with FRL of +45.72 m (+150 ft) is 2.130 TMCum(75.20 TMCft).
  7. Stabilization of 10.13 lakh acres of Godavari delta and 13 lakh acres of Krishna delta.
  8. Interlinking of Godavari and Krishna rivers proposing to divert 80 TMC to Krishna basin.
  9. 23.44 TMC of water supply to industries and drinking water to Visakhapatnam.
  10. Domestic water supply to 28.5 lakh population in 611 villages.
  11. Generation of 960 MW power (12 x 80 MW).
  12. Sharing of 5 TMC and 1.5 TMC of water from reservoir rim with Odisha and Chhattisgarh, respectively.